Datum International

By coincidence, this morning I opened my print copy of Information Age then read the digital version of Microscope. Upon reading the letters page in the latter, I experienced a strong sense of deja vu. Sure enough, Les Paul, CEO of enterprise content management specialist Datum International, had sent essentially the same letter to both publications and get himself, his company name and some good points about home working into print (good PR, Les!).

"Documents are automatically saved in the central repository, providing accurate version control and visibility of contributors. This eases the collaborative process and ensures every team member is up to date on the status of a project and has easy access to indexed, categorised information. Critically, the entire home working contribution is audited, providing management with a clear view of the equality and timeliness of work undertaken by the remote workforce…."

Permanent link to this article: http://extranetevolution.com/2005/10/datum_internati/