ISO27001 certification (2)

Last week, following BIW’s hosting infrastructure achieving BSI certification, I discussed ISO/IEC27001 and Cadweb’s claims regarding compliance. Someone at Cadweb either read the BIW news release or this blog, for this evening I notice that Cadweb’s page on legal admissability has been updated to refer throughout to "BS 7799 / ISO 27001" (a format used by the BSI, to which Cadweb links). However, Cadweb still persists with the fiction that "Cadweb is the only Project Extranet that is certified to BS 7799 / ISO 27001".

Helpfully, however, Cadweb also links to the International Register of ISMS Certificates at Here:

  • Cadweb is listed as having been certified (IS 40831) to "BS 7799-2:2002".
  • Attenda, meanwhile, is listed as being certified (IS 60764) to the latest "ISO/IEC 27001:2005".

Fact: through Attenda, BIW’s construction collaboration technology is the only project extranet running on a system certified to ISO/IEC 27001:2005.

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