Email used to issue 65% of CAD information

According to a survey of UK CAD managers undertaken by Evolve Consultancy‘s Nigel Davies (reported at; PDF available here):

"Email continues to be the most popular form of issuing digital information at 65.5%. The decrease is due to the resurgence in popularity of project extranets which are now the primary issue format of 13.8% of companies. In 2004 project extranets accounted for 2.9% of the issues."

The decrease mentioned is an 11% drop from 76% in Davies’s 2004 survey (or, to put it another way, an 11% increase in use of extranets). Over the past two years, therefore, the proportion of digital information published to extranet systems has grown more than four-fold, to approximately one in seven issues. Clearly, there is still some way to go before extranets become the predominant form of communication, but the signs are encouraging.

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  1. […] March, I wrote about Evolve Consultancy‘s UK CAD Managers Survey 2006 (see Email used to issue 65% of CAD information). The 2007 edition has just been published, but as I can’t afford £199 for the full results, […]

  2. […] employed on a growing number of UK construction schemes (see, for example, my 4 March post Email used to issue 65% of CAD information). Many of these have deliberately avoided use of email (partly for just the reasons Lars outlines […]

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