Keeping my eye on the competition, I looked at UK collaboration vendor ePIN’s website today, noticing that it too has recently undergone an overhaul (following the recent revamps by Causeway and Cadweb). While it is very informative in some areas – its description of its hosting by Verizon is very detailed, for example – it lacks what for me, as a PR professional, is a website essential: a news section (it isn’t alone: this fault is shared by several other smaller vendors’ websites, including those of e-Box/PFInet and Worksmart).
ePIN’s site has a nice professional feel to it, and as a piece of bland marketing collateral it probably works quite well. But if I was a journalist, there is nothing to tell me about how well the company is doing, what major landmarks have occurred recently, etc. In short, there is a shortage of the latest facts and figures. Their ’employment’ page says they are looking for a marketer – maybe that person could then create some online PR resources for them?
While on the subject of vendors’ websites, 4projects’ site has returned after yesterday’s temporary outage.