FMI/CMAA survey

Keeping an eye on US developments, I see talks of the results of a forthcoming survey to be announced at a conference in November. Thinking this sounded interesting, I Googled the survey and found it can be read at

When talking about project collaboration, it says:

"Only 45% [of owners] had their own project collaboration system in house that they also required the project team to use. Nonetheless, 82% said that the owner should define the procedures for formal communication between parties on the project. While the subject of project collaboration and communication often centers around choosing and using the best project collaboration software, there are other processes and practices that can have a great impact on a project. When we asked owners to tell us which practices they used to improve project collaboration, three items topped the list with nearly the same level of importance, they were:

  • provide a clear contact for decisions and approval (85%),
  • openly share project information (83%), and
  • assemble the project team early and meet frequently (80%).

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