Top 10 SaaS myths

Phil Wainewright’s blog is an invaluable resource for commentary on new developments in the Software-as-a-Service sector. His latest post talks about an SaaS business (Crownpeak) confident enough to confront head-on the ten most frequently raised objections to the SaaS model:

The complete list of myths:

  1. Fewer features
  2. Customer loses control
  3. Security is a problem
  4. Difficult to integrate
  5. SaaS is Risky
  6. Hosted is only good for small businesses and projects
  7. Costs more over time
  8. Service could be poor with a SaaS
  9. SaaS companies have an unproven business model
  10. SaaS companies are competitive with the IT organization

Crownpeak’s line on every one of these myths that the opposite is in fact the truth: SaaS delivers more features, enhanced control, better security, superior integration, less risk … and so on.

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