Phil Wainewright’s blog is an invaluable resource for commentary on new developments in the Software-as-a-Service sector. His latest post talks about an SaaS business (Crownpeak) confident enough to confront head-on the ten most frequently raised objections to the SaaS model:
The complete list of myths:
- Fewer features
- Customer loses control
- Security is a problem
- Difficult to integrate
- SaaS is Risky
- Hosted is only good for small businesses and projects
- Costs more over time
- Service could be poor with a SaaS
- SaaS companies have an unproven business model
- SaaS companies are competitive with the IT organization
Crownpeak’s line on every one of these myths that the opposite is in fact the truth: SaaS delivers more features, enhanced control, better security, superior integration, less risk … and so on.