Microsoft gets SaaS-y(ish)

If you read some of the online computing sites, you will already know that Microsoft – already involved in a project to take-over Yahoo to counter the Google threat and improve its Software-as-a-Service (SaaS) credentials (see post) – is making moves to address the SaaS market opportunity. SME offerings of SaaS services got a lukewarm response from the blogosphere but its data-center projects will, if nothing else, be welcomed by the construction industry.

Computerworld and, for example, reports Microsoft has opened up its hosted versions of SharePoint and Exchange to medium-sized and small companies, as it tries to take advantage of the demand for software as a service. And today I read, in ComputerWeekly, that Microsoft is planning to offer a ‘cloud computing service’ to allow businesses to buy computing power on demand over the internet.

On the former, SaaS bloggers’ reactions have not all been positive; Phil Wainewright, for example, writes: Microsoft disappoints on SaaS. Didn’t you see it coming? while TechCrunch’s Michael Arrington moans: I Really Hope Microsoft Has More Than This.

On the latter, Nicholas Carr picked up the rumour yesterday – read his Rumor: Microsoft set for vast data-center push – where he initially focuses on the “totally over the top” boost this will give to the construction industry (hurray!): construction of about two dozen data centres, each covering about 500,000 square feet or more. Wow! Let’s hope they use SaaS-based collaboration technologies to deliver them!

Technorati tags: Microsoft, Yahoo, Google, Software-as-a-Service, SaaS, SharePoint, Exchange, cloud computing, on-demand

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