New CTSpace product “soon”

The US version of CTSpace‘s website had brief details of a user group conference it was holding, 6-7 March 2008, in Las Vegas, Nevada. The event was programmed to include a preview of a new CTSpace product, an opportunity to meet Sword executives, and the results of a US user survey.

I understand from CTSpace that the product will be publicly announced “soon!” (it is scheduled for release in Q2 of 2008 in both the US and Europe), but there was no response on whether it is an entirely new product, or an upgrade to one of the existing products. Meanwhile, I was told: “there are no plans to drop support of any products that are in current use” (ie: ProjectsOnline, TenderOnline, SupplychainOnline, Citadon CW).

A press release about the US user survey is being prepared, and a similar exercise is going to be conducted on this side of the Atlantic, along with an associated user group conference. A new Sword group website and new CTSpace web site (see post) are scheduled to be available by the end of March.

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