McKinsey talks up SaaS again

Management consultants McKinsey have again talked up the Software-as-a-Service (SaaS) opportunity (see post, McKinsey surveys the new software landscape, by Nick Carr) – almost exactly a year since I last wrote about them in this context. Carr writes:

… software-as-a-service is rapidly “becoming mainstream,” with three-quarters of software buyers saying they are “favorably disposed to adopting SaaS platforms” for software development and deployment. …

Companies report that they will dedicate 19% of their total software budget to applications delivered as services this year, up dramatically from … just a few years ago.

Update (12 May 2008): see related Information Age article.

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  1. […] this year (eg: SaaS market “to undergo very rapid revenue growth” (Ovum in May); McKinsey talks up SaaS again (April); SaaS on the rise in Europe (IDC in April)) were written before the recent global banking […]

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