Sword Group acquisition

The Sword Group (December 2007 buyer of troubled Anglo/US construction collaboration vendor CTSpace – see post) has been on the UK company acquisition trail again, buying Glasgow-based on-premises contact centre software developer Graham Technology.

Update (2 April 2008): The value of the deal wasn’t originally announced, but Scottish newspaper reports (eg: The Herald) suggest a figure of around £30m. Some commentators (eg: Gartner’s Michael Maoz in DestinationCRM) have also noted that this acquisition is a departure from Sword’s recent focus on Software-as-a-Service (SaaS).

Update (14 May 2008): Graham Technology has been re-branded Ciboodle, after its flagship product. The parent Sword Group also acquired another company in Scotland: Aberdeen-based Technology Managers.

Permanent link to this article: http://extranetevolution.com/2008/04/sword-group-acq/