Think 08

Not exactly heaving with visitors but moderately well attended and the exhibition has some interesting stands.

So far I have spoken to Consense (online consultation), UrbanBuzz, the European Construction Institute (Clive Winkler is an old friend), TPS (former colleagues), Integrated Environmental Solutions Ltd (one of the few IT firms represented), WRAP, Jon De Souza of Constructing Excellence, and organiser and fellow blogger Phil Clark.

Update (2130hrs): I did also manage – if only briefly as I had to collect my kids from after-school club – to meet up with fellow bloggers Mel Starrs (Elemental) and Martin Brown (iSite) at the end of the afternoon (yes, we do actually get out and meet people in the real world!).

Among the various brochures I collected, I picked up copies of two magazines, Sustainable Business and Sustain. Last month also saw the inaugural issue of EcoExecutive and Construction Computing stable-mate Green I.T.. If nothing else, our heightened awareness of sustainability issues is promoting healthy growth in the publications market (and giving me more paper to recycle).

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