From BIM to BIN

I’ve recommended it before and I’ll recommend it again: the AECbytes newsletter by Lachmi Khemlani. The latest newsletter (issue 35) has a host of interesting items in it, mainly drawn from the recent AIA TAP (Technology in Architectural Practice) conference in the US. Read about:

  • A New Acronym: BIN for “Building Information Network” –

While “BIM is being integrated with energy analysis at the design stage to create more sustainable buildings. BIN takes this much further by bringing together all the building systems and monitoring and managing the energy performance of a facility in real time throughout its lifecycle. This will lead to significant savings in operational costs, which currently account for 75% of the total lifecycle cost of a building.”

  • Use of BIM and Sustainable Design in a Hospital Project
  • Insights into Green Building Modeling from an Environmental Design Firm
  • Formalizing the Use of BIM into a Business Strategy – more from John Tobin (see Proto-building, to BIM is to build)

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