First footings

Like London buses, new construction blogs seem to come in pairs. Hours after welcoming Su Butcher’s new blog, I saw a tweet (thank, Mel) about Liz Male‘s new blog, Footings, begun last month. As a fellow construction PR person, I have known Liz, on and off, for about 15 years. She was also good enough to help publicise Be2camp 2008 in October to fellow members of the Chartered Institute of Public Relations construction and property special interest group (CAPSIG).

Reading her first few posts, there’s even a mention of construction collaboration technologies, where (in Not such tasty language) she talks about words she hates:

The IT sector seems particularly prone to this sort of twaddle, but I have to admit that I’ve worked with a few companies in the built environment who might be accused of similar sins.

One was a construction collaboration software company (ok, I guess that’s IT again really) that kept banging on about ‘acting in concert’ with the construction industry. Even writing that phrase again years later, I still get pictures in my mind of subbies in the strings section trying to keep beat with Egan…

This, of course, sent me scrabbling to check that it wasn’t BIW (I don’t think it was, though the phrase does appear to have been used by OpenText, providers of the technology underlying Causeway Collaboration/ECM).

Welcome to the blogosphere, Liz (and thanks for the Christmas card)! (Both blogs now feature on the EE blog roll).

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