Stuart Lander’s new start-up

Last August, I noted that former BuildOnline/CTSpace executive Stuart Lander was involved with a new US-based start-up, PublicSpend, due to launch in late 2008. The date has slipped slightly, but Stuart has been busy blogging about it. PublicSpend will use government contracting data to help small local service businesses win new contracts and grow their local customer base, launching two services in early 2009.

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1 comment

    • Stuart Lander on 2 January 2009 at 1:53 am

    Thanks for blogging about what I’m up to. Am really excited about PublicSpend and the potential it has to help local service businesses. It’s a lot different to extranets and construction but still uses the same Internet principles that are changing the world. I still try to keep up to speed with how collaboration software is being used in the construction industry and the key players. Your blog is a valuable source of information and I know much viewed by those in (and out) of the industry. Keep up the good work and best of luck in 09.

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