Constructware update

In May this year there was some online speculation about Autodesk‘s continued enthusiasm for its Constructware Software-as-a-service platform (see posts here and here) prompting hasty denials from Rick Rundall pointing out that they would hardly be ending development of the product if they’d just released a new version. Maybe that speculation will be further dampened by the latest news out of San Raphael, CA (see that Constructware 2010 has been released with new data accessibility and reporting features and other enhancements – supported by pointed customer statements such as “I’m excited to see Autodesk continue to improve Constructware.”

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1 comment

  1. Interesting that typically new and ‘significant’ product enhancements take longer than 3 months to roll out. Those pointed customer statements don’t include those customers that jumped ship, and those that are still jumping ship. Noble effort to recover from communications snafu though.

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