Earlier today I spotted another tweet about a new blog from construction collaboration technology provider Sword-CTSpace (this followed one on 16 June).
Hosted on WordPress.com, entitled “Sword CTSpace LAB“, and subtitled “Competence Center for Engineering Content Management”, the initial post is now dated Monday 27 June, with another yesterday. The first agenda-setting article was by Angela Restani, Director of Marketing US, who admitted:
“We are getting into the blogging arena a little late, but it was intentional. Before we started our blog we wanted to make sure that we had all the pieces in place for our blog to be informative, interesting and relevant. …”
The blog’s appearance prompted me to take a look at Sword-CTSpace’s other forays into social media marketing. It has a company profile on LinkedIn, a YouTube Channel, and a corporate Twitter account (complementing those of some employees). However, the Engineering Collaboration Community it launched 13 months ago (May 2010 post) seems to have disappeared – links from the Sword-CTSpace website just redirect the user back to the home page (perhaps a blog icon is due to replace the ECC icon in the website sidebar?). Hopefully, the blog will prove more long-lasting than the community….