My Bigstep interview: SaaS attitudes are changing

“When it comes to SaaS, there are the early adopters and those who need some more convincing. There are plenty in the construction industry who still view SaaS with suspicion, preferring to keep their information on premise and behind their firewall. This attitude is eroding, but it’s still there.”

BigstepThis is the opening to an expert interview I recently did for the BigStep blog, where I went on to say: “SaaS businesses need to show construction people that they offer a secure, reliable, scalable, and – above all – cost-effective alternative to in-house IT.” I also talk briefly about Big Data, BIM and wearables (Bigstep provide infrastructure-as-a-service, IaaS, Big Data solutions in the cloud, by the way).

Incidentally, the interview first appeared just as Aconex shelved their IPO. As I said this was one of the most significant developments in our market at the moment, I am glad they revived it to keep my interview relevant. 🙂

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