Think Project! gets webApp-y

Thinkproject-logothink pro­ject!, the Munich, Germany-based Software-as-a-Service construction collaboration technology provider has announced the release of a new ‘WebApp’ in­ter­face, optimised – using HTML5 – for smart­phones.

According to the company, the new in­ter­face sup­ports fin­ger­tip nav­i­ga­tion by users on their smart­phones. For exam­ple, plan­ning, doc­u­men­ta­tion and de­fect man­age­ment processes can be ini­ti­ated, edited and tracked via a smart­phone. Ad­di­tion­ally, all pro­ject sta­tus re­ports and ‘to-dos’ re­lat­ing to reviews and ap­provals can now be called up and edited via a smart­phone.

Jochen Mau­rer, head of prod­uct man­age­ment at think pro­ject! says:

Jochen Maurer

think project! has operated on mobile devices such as tablets and smart­phones as an integrated, web-based application. ​In the past, however, smart­phone operations were not optimal when using the older inter­ace intended for desktop usage together with a keyboard and mouse. It is for this reason that we developed a new mobile interface. This interface is optimised for usage with ‘small’ devices such as smart­phones. The interface enables remote and on-site users to conveniently access think project! for reading messages and documents, participating in workflows and issuing approvals. From now on, smart­phones access­ng think project! will be automatically directed to this new interface.

It is a “WebApp” based on HTML5, which will be loaded automatically when you use a smartphone accessing our sites. It is not just a mobile representation.

think project! has previously (August 2013) released Apple iOS and Android apps for site-based inspection and data gathering processes on smartphones.

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  1. […] roll-out during the first half of 2015. think project! also highlights its new mobile interface (post), and a new RESTful API allowing customers access to the think project! backend to integrate their […]

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