Extranet Evolution glitch: apologies

Apologies to anyone affected by a sudden flurry of apparent new Extranet Evolution blog posts yesterday – they were, in fact, as recipients quickly remarked, reposts of old blog posts.

I was doing some extensive blog ‘spring-cleaning’, including dealing with a host of broken links (one of the the consequences of having maintained a blog for 10 years and accumulated nearly 1,600 blog posts, some of them transferred from a different blogging platform). I tried a bulk process, but accidentally deleted around 25 blog posts. In returning these to the live site, a WordPress plugin republished updates to some of my social media channels – hence, some followers received a few “blasts from the past”.

I have now deleted all the updates, slapped myself soundly and promised not to do it again.

Permanent link to this article: http://extranetevolution.com/2015/07/extranet-evolution-glitch-apologies/