Script&Go plans Site Diary upgrades

Script&Go logo 2018Fulfilling a promise made in January 2018, Script&Go is now a UK registered business and – despite, or perhaps because of, Brexit – has opened offices in London and Birmingham. The Rennes, France-based mobile application developer says (see announcement) that it wants to move closer to its UK users and improve its products – a Site Diary app is its main UK product – to suit their needs.

Script&Go says the UK will see a wide range of changes in Site Diary from January 2019, including:

  • Improved product with new features such as Task Management, Timesheet, improve PDF Report, chat, etc. All features will be integrated and collaborate with each other.
  • New product design (colours and user interface)
  • New pricing in the British pound sterling currency
  • Product hosted on Microsoft Azure and connected to Azure active directory federated login.


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