
Extranet Evolution stance on advertising, etc

To help cover the hosting costs of Extranet Evolution, I use Google Adsense.

Will I include articles (guest posts) written by other people that incorporate links to them or their clients?

No. I very occasionally include guest posts from people I know who I think will write knowledgeably about my core market topics (construction collaboration technologies, obviously), but I won’t extend the remit of this blog to cover off-topic subjects like architectural products, gambling, real estate lettings, gaming, etc, etc. Please don’t waste your time and mine by emailing me.

Will you write about us, or one of our clients?

It depends. Are you (or they) active in a field directly relevant to construction collaboration technologies? If yes, then send me some information and links, and let me judge whether it’s appropriate. If not, then (again) don’t waste your time and mine by emailing me.

If we pay you, will you write about us, or one of our clients?

No (at least, not on Extranet Evolution). I will occasionally write about vendors for whom I am either currently working or where I have recently done some consultancy work (and I always add a disclosure note regarding the relationship). I exercise my editorial judgement regarding what appears in Extranet Evolution, and (with the exception of the afore-mentioned Google Adsense), I do not accept payment to promote clients or other businesses here. This blog does not publish paid-for or sponsored content.

I sometimes write bylined pieces as a guest contributor to other blogs, and as a freelance writer I occasionally research and produce bylined articles and features for magazines, etc (some examples are listed here). I also undertake numerous writing projects delivering white papers, case studies, data-sheets, web pages, blog posts, etc for clients’ own use. If you want an experienced copywriter with deep knowledge of construction, collaboration, SaaS, BIM, mobile technologies, social media, etc, then please contact me. Ltd (it takes its name from what used to be Paul Wilkinson Communications) is based in London, UK. Ltd (Company no: 4022185).
Postal address: 33 Glenluce Road, London SE3 7SD
Reg office: King’s Lodge, London Road, West Kingsdown, Kent TN15 6AR


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