Tag: Be2awards

Which AEC collaboration platform will win the 2013 Be2Award?

The 2013 Be2Awards are coming soon. Nominations for categories, including best AEC collaboration application, close on 6 September It’s that time of year again. In August last year, I wrote about the second running of the Be2awards: the world’s first awards for social media in the built environment (which I organise). The third Be2Awards are being held …

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Permanent link to this article: http://extranetevolution.com/2013/08/which-aec-collaboration-platform-will-win-the-2013-be2award/

HonestBuildings.com launches UK ‘buildings network’


Honest Buildings, launched in the UK today, may look like another business networking site, but this one puts the buildings themselves at the heart of its connections, with their sustainability open to scrutiny, and scope to integrate with other platforms. Honest Buildings, a US-based property network that connects decision makers to service providers for millions of commercial …

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Permanent link to this article: http://extranetevolution.com/2013/02/honestbuildings-com-launches-in-uk/

Come to a COMIT event!

In addition to its Building Information Mobility (#MobiBIM) event in London on 15 November (post), COMIT (Construction Opportunities for Mobile IT) has two other UK events in the near future. Both are invitation-only, but the nice people at COMIT may have a few spare places: Thursday 27 September: The Emperor’’s New Clouds – an invitation-only afternoon …

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Permanent link to this article: http://extranetevolution.com/2012/09/come-to-comit/

Collaboration vendors invite votes, and Eneo pitches in

With London Social Media Week fast approaching, I worked late one night last week sorting out the crowd-sourced nominations for the second running of the Be2Awards, which are being held at London’s Building Centre on the afternoon Wednesday 26 September (register here). As with the first running of the Awards last year, the winners are …

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Permanent link to this article: http://extranetevolution.com/2012/09/constructioncollaboration-vendors-seeking-voters/

What’s the best AEC collaboration platform?

What is the best platform for construction collaboration? I have been asked this question twice this week on Twitter, and the answer is usually, of course, “it depends….” Do you want an on-premise solution, or something hosted by a vendor? Do you want a system that is cheap and simple? Something for a small team, …

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Permanent link to this article: http://extranetevolution.com/2012/09/whats-the-best-aec-collaboration-platform/

Nominations open for BE2Awards 2012, including best AEC collaboration platform


In January 2011 I wrote about the inaugural Be2awards: the world’s first awards for social media in the built environment (of which I am organiser). These are being held again, and remain distinctly social. Nominations for the BeAwards 2012 (which opened yesterday) are being crowd-sourced, and will be voted upon by the same crowd. The …

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Permanent link to this article: http://extranetevolution.com/2012/08/nominations-open-for-be2awards-2012-including-best-aec-collaboration-platform/

HP ePrint and Share – as you were….

I travelled to Hewlett Packard‘s UK HQ in Bracknell, Berkshire today for an update on its strategy concerning the architecture, engineering and construction sector. My previous interactions with the company included the 2010 launch of its ePrint & Share service supporting large format printers (see post) and I was hoping to hear about some significant …

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Permanent link to this article: http://extranetevolution.com/2011/06/hp-eprint-and-share-as-you-were/

ICT4Construction: a post mortem

Rant alert! As regular readers may know, I was (I think, constructively) critical of the first ICT4Construction event last October, and as a result of my feedback organiser Recep Saffet asked if I would chair the next edition, on knowledge and document management. After some deliberation, I agreed, and also helped publicise the event through …

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Permanent link to this article: http://extranetevolution.com/2011/03/ict4construction-a-post-mortem/

Some thoughts on the Be2Award for AEC collaboration

As previously mentioned, I recently organised what I believe were the world’s first social media awards expressly for the built environment (ie: architecture, engineering, construction, FM, property, etc); the winners of the 2011 Be2Awards were announced at an event during London Social Media Week on Wednesday 9 February. As also noted, one of the categories …

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Permanent link to this article: http://extranetevolution.com/2011/02/some-thoughts-on-the-be2award-for-aec-collaboration/

Revisiting the NEC battleground

Sypro logo

About six weeks ago, I noted (NEC3 Licensed Content partners announced) how quick off the mark construction collaboration technology vendor 4Projects was to announce its new role as an NEC3 Licensed Content Partner, which it followed by a concerted campaign on Twitter, LinkedIn and its blog (indeed, 4Projects has nominated its PR campaign for a …

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Permanent link to this article: http://extranetevolution.com/2011/02/revisiting-the-nec-battleground/

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