Tag: BIM Academy

xbim Flex – targeting AEC’s continued reliance on email

Flex screengrab

Newcastle-upon-Tyne, UK-based xbim is facilitating BIM conversations with its new xbim Flex platform. A recent Extranet Evolution post (15 June 2020: AEC reliance on email remains high, Mail Manager research shows) highlighted the architecture, engineering and construction (AEC) sector’s continued reliance on email for communication. This struck a chord with Steve Lockley of Newcastle, UK-based …

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Permanent link to this article: http://extranetevolution.com/2020/06/xbim-flex-targeting-aecs-continued-reliance-on-email/

Collaboration, BIM and FM

Last week’s ThinkBIM conference focused on the transition of data from construction to facilities management. FM is getting more involved with BIM from the earliest stages of a project, and will collaborate more frequently during project delivery. The latest ThinkBIM half-day conference (on 6 July at Squire Patton Boggs’ new offices in Leeds, and sponsored …

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Permanent link to this article: http://extranetevolution.com/2016/07/collaboration-bim-and-fm/

4Projects updates amid busy BIM babble


During a busy week of BIM-related meetings and conferences, North-East based businesses such as 4Projects and Kykloud featured several times. Last week, I was pretty much BIM-ed out (see below), so I had to postpone a couple of blog posts until this week. 4Projects’ new release Having visited Sunderland and SaaS construction collaboration vendor 4Projects …

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Permanent link to this article: http://extranetevolution.com/2013/04/4projects-updates-amid-busy-bim-babble/

Open BIM, 4BIM … and potential ‘BIM-wash’


A London conference on building information modelling (BIM) on Wednesday, organised jointly by Constructing Excellence and the Construction Products Association, featured two announcements. Open BIM First, we heard that BuildingSMART International, various Nemetschek companies, Tekla, Solibri, and other major construction software vendors (but, perhaps critically, not Autodesk or Bentley [yet], nor any construction collaboration technology …

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Permanent link to this article: http://extranetevolution.com/2012/03/open-bim-4bim/