Tag: Brian Seitz

CADaaS continued

Further to yesterday’s post, I (and several others) have commented on Brian Seitz’s initial article, and the comments and Brian’s responses make continued interesting reading. Scott Boutwell echoed my view about who might develop a CADaaS solution, asking ‘where are the major CAD vendors in this area of product development and future committment?’ As I commented, …

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Permanent link to this article: http://extranetevolution.com/2008/02/cadaas-continue/

SaaS – the killer app for CAD?

Evan Yares’ CAD blog alerted me to a great article by Brian Seitz among the COFES blogs. Brian asks: Is SaaS the Killer App for the CAD Industry?, suggesting that: “the business model most major CAD vendors operate under – market share and maintenance annuities – is showing its age.  It will not be long before an innovative …

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Permanent link to this article: http://extranetevolution.com/2008/02/saas-the-kill/