New Year is traditionally a time for looking back at the significant developments of the year just gone and for looking forward at what may happen in the coming year. For example, there was a lot of activity in the latter respect regarding Software-as-a-Service (SaaS). SaaS analyst Phil Wainewright wrote a series of three SaaS in 2007 …
Tag: business processes
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Apr 22 2009
Whobius? Woobius
22 April 2009
Woobius is a new name in Software-as-a-Service (SaaS) construction collaboration, and appears (from, among other places, the company’s Scribbles blog) to be the work of three UK-based people: Make architect Bob Leung, technologist Daniel Tenner and user interface specialist Cliff Rowley. While not a construction professional, one of Daniel’s Woobius Scribbles (Document Control – how …
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