I have talked in this blog several times about the potential for collaboration to be expanded and improved by incorporating communication approaches that don’t just emulate traditional paper- and email-based processes (see, for example, my discussions about FieldLens, about GenieBelt and Comindware), and how some existing vendors of construction collaboration software have dipped their toes into more …
Tag: Comindware
Permanent link to this article: http://extranetevolution.com/2014/05/exo-offers-oem-route-for-isvs-wanting-social-collaboration/
Feb 12 2014
Comindware Project
Generic in-house project management platform Comindware Project is more real-time and enables ‘social collaboration’. It’s becoming a trend…. Keeping an eye on interesting developments in generic SaaS collaboration platforms, I see that Comindware, who I wrote about in July 2012, recently launched Comindware Project, a product designed to “simplify project management, improve real-time visibility into …
Permanent link to this article: http://extranetevolution.com/2014/02/comindware-project/
Jul 17 2012
Comindware and ElasticData flexibility
I wrote about Comindware last August, and the company has been in touch regarding an update release of its web-based workflow automation and task management solution. While this is not a construction-specific solution, it is aimed at project-based industries (I have just been looking at example workflows for marketing projects or HR processes; there are …
Permanent link to this article: http://extranetevolution.com/2012/07/comindware-and-elasticdata-flexibility/
Aug 26 2011
What’s the next disruptive idea for collaboration?
I am indebted to a reader, Pierre-Alexandre Losson of Brussels-based Telio, who asked me a very interesting question about innovation: “In my opinion all vendors are more or less providing the same toolchain, using the same techniques. What would be in your opinion the next disruptive idea that could or should be pushed in the …
Permanent link to this article: http://extranetevolution.com/2011/08/whats-the-next-disruptive-idea-for-collaboration/
Aug 22 2011
Start-up Comindware is looking to differentiate itself as a provider of project management applications through its use of semantic web approaches to software architecture. Contacted by the marketing manager of a recent start-up, Comindware, I had a look at the business’s recently created website to try and understand more about its collaborative project management software. Currently, …
Permanent link to this article: http://extranetevolution.com/2011/08/comindware/