The BIM ‘Digital toolkit’ should help UK firms, including SaaS vendors, adopt and then export BIM skills, practices, procedures and standards and apply them in other markets. Just as sustainability saw an explosion in ‘greenwash’ – sometimes spurious claims about the ‘greenness’ of various products or services – so building information modelling has seen frequent …
Tag: Construction Manager
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Nov 05 2010
A first look at EADOC
I recently did a GoToMeeting session with Eric Law of EADOC to get a clearer understanding of this US-based Software-as-a-Service construction collaboration platform. The system is mainly aimed at construction project teams operating in north America, and has been around since early 2006 (I first wrote about the business in late 2007). It was developed, …
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Aug 20 2010
Asite’s Appbuilder and Platform-as-a-Service
UK-based construction collaboration software developer Asite is looking to emulate Salesforce‘s Platform-as-a-Service (PaaS) offering by creating a platform to host construction-related applications built using its Appbuilder development framework. This is the latest development in the competitive world of construction collaboration technology, but is likely to be quickly emulated by Asite’s key rivals. Background Ten …
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Jul 09 2009
Clouds UK: a new name and a competitive offering
Earlier this week, I had afternoon coffee in London with Andy Newsham and Alison Day, joint chief executives of York-based Clouds UK. This is the new name of what used to be a construction-oriented software-as-a-service business that I previously knew as The rebranding reflects the wider range of services now offered by the company, …
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