Could new digital technologies such as blockchain or even video contracts take some of the administrative complexity and friction out of construction project delivery? Construction has long been a highly contractual and often adversarial and litigious industry. Its resistance to change (along with its learned friends in the legal profession) has perpetuated the reliance upon …
Tag: contracts
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Nov 23 2015
An SME AEC SaaS catch-up
I have a backlog of industry posts that I will be posting over the next week or so, but I’ve also been sent a couple of other news snippets…. 1: Corecon updates Pitched at the small to medium-sized end of the north American market (“Run your entire operation for about $1 a day!”), Corecon Technologies recently …
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May 07 2009
US structural engineers warming to BIM
I wrote recently (2D to 3D: still a work in progress, updated 27 April 2009) about US rates of adoption of building information modelling, BIM, looking at results – released by Cadalyst‘s Robert Green – focused mainly on US CAD managers. He concluded, somewhat gloomily, that 84% of the AEC/construction industry is 2D, identifying that …
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Mar 11 2009
The power of collaboration in product development
A lot of my time is focused on how teams collaborate during design and construction of new buildings and other assets, and it is easy to forget that collaboration should extend throughout the supply chain, including the manufacturers of many of the components that are used in our projects. On his PLM and Profitability blog …
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Mar 03 2009 right technology, right time?
David Harrison’s latest StressFree blog posting talks about BIMserver and the potential of server-side BIM. It is a fascinating post, describing how the University of Eindhoven-based project combines building information modelling (BIM) software and open source server technologies, rather than being reliant upon workstation-based CAD software. And this is no blue-sky project – it …
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Nov 07 2007
ICT, sustainability and contracts
I met Building sustainability blogger Phil Clark last week for a coffee, and he was good enough to talk about our conversation on Zerochampion. As well as talking about sustainability, the potential contribution of collaboration technologies and the environmental downsides of ICT, we also talked more generally about collaborative working and contracts. Being involved in …
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Jan 24 2007
Change management seminar – 2
Yesterday, I travelled to Bristol to chair a Construction Productivity Network seminar on change management (see post). We heard an interesting pair of presentations from Robin Wilkin (MPS) and Professor Ming Sun (University of West of England). Ming (who, incidentally, was one of the people who encouraged me to write my book) has been leading …
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Apr 22 2009
Whobius? Woobius
22 April 2009
Woobius is a new name in Software-as-a-Service (SaaS) construction collaboration, and appears (from, among other places, the company’s Scribbles blog) to be the work of three UK-based people: Make architect Bob Leung, technologist Daniel Tenner and user interface specialist Cliff Rowley. While not a construction professional, one of Daniel’s Woobius Scribbles (Document Control – how …
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