Some construction businesses already function effectively as value-added resellers of SaaS-based collaboration tools, filling a gap left open by traditional software VARs. I have discussed routes to market for SaaS construction collaboration vendors a few times – for example, last September, I contrasted Woobius’s aspirations to sell direct via the web with vendors who have …
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Apr 24 2008
IT in Construction conference, London
I’m at the 4th annual conference organised by Construction News conferences on IT in Construction – an event that used to be organised in partnership with the IT Construction Forum (now part of Constructing Excellence). There are around 70 delegates from across the industry in the room at the Earl’s Court conference centre in west …
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Feb 14 2008
CADaaS continued
Further to yesterday’s post, I (and several others) have commented on Brian Seitz’s initial article, and the comments and Brian’s responses make continued interesting reading. Scott Boutwell echoed my view about who might develop a CADaaS solution, asking ‘where are the major CAD vendors in this area of product development and future committment?’ As I commented, …
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