Tag: Howard Koenig

Koenig leaves Sword CTSpace

Howard Koenig has now officially left Sword CTSpace to return to the workforce management software sphere, joining Aruspex, specialists in strategic workforce planning, as CEO (CEN story; word of his departure did, however, creep out prematurely in February). He was head of North American operations for Sword. In the early 2000s, Howard was CEO of …

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Permanent link to this article: http://extranetevolution.com/2009/07/koenig-leaves-sword-ctspace/

CTSpace people news

The Sword Group rather dropped off my radar recently, so I’ve been catching up with some developments relating to executives involved with their CTSpace subsidiary (formerly BuildOnline in the UK), a vendor of construction collaboration technologies. The most note-worthy change has been the appointment last month of former Citadon and CTSpace CEO Howard Koenig to …

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Permanent link to this article: http://extranetevolution.com/2008/08/ctspace-people-news/

Investing in a dot.com/SaaS business: a history

In the late 1990s and into the first year or so of the 21st century, the dot.com boom say billions invested in new online ventures across great swathes of industry and commerce. The global architectural, engineering and construction (AEC) industry was no different. Millions were pumped into new start-ups by venture capitalists, business angels and …

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Permanent link to this article: http://extranetevolution.com/2008/03/investing-in-a/

BuildOnline revisited

In the absence of any updates regarding Sword Group and its recently-acquired construction collaboration technology business still branded as CTSpace (formerly known as BuildOnline and Citadon, formerly known as Cephren (formerly known as BlueLineOnline and E-bricks) and Bidcom, which also incorporated Cubus – and that’s just the short version!) or even a new website (see post), …

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Permanent link to this article: http://extranetevolution.com/2008/03/buildonline-rev/

CTSpace put to the Sword

Just 53 weeks after its last major ownership change, SaaS construction collabaration technology vendor CTSpace (the result of a merger between UK-based BuildOnline and US-based Citadon) has been acquired by the international Sword group of IT companies (as far as I can tell, no value for the transaction has been given). The news came in a …

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Permanent link to this article: http://extranetevolution.com/2007/12/ctspace-put-to/

CTSpace dissected

Yesterday’s announcement of a merger of BuildOnline and Citadon to form CTSpace (see earlier post) presents a positive view of the past history of the two firms, so it is worth analysing some of the background. Let’s start with BuildOnline. BuildOnline backstory BuildOnline was actually originally founded in Ireland and set out to become an e-marketplace …

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Permanent link to this article: http://extranetevolution.com/2006/12/ctspace_dissect/

BuildOnline + Citadon = CTSpace

UK collaboration vendor BuildOnline is to merge with US-based vendor Citadon (see news release). The new business will trade as CTSpace. The move was confirmed late yesterday after several weeks of UK industry rumours (see 14 November BuildOnline and Koral, for example), and a succession of BO management changes over the past year or so, culminating in the …

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Permanent link to this article: http://extranetevolution.com/2006/12/buildonline_cit/