Tag: Jerry Laiserin

BIM for Building Engineers

The latest Cadalyst AEC Insight column, Modeling Technology for Building Engineers, by Jerry Laiserin talks about the particular challenges of coordinating designs produced by architects with the needs of engineers involved in designing mechanical, electrical and plumbing (MEP) services. It reiterates a message conveyed several times over the past year or so: there are different …

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Permanent link to this article: http://extranetevolution.com/2008/08/bim-for-building-engineers/

BIM and housing

On Monday, I had an interesting meeting with Nick Clements of New Zealand-based software vendor Bisco, who plan to “revolutionise building by changing the way information flows through the building industry”. Bisco’s technology can extract information from various generic 3D CAD design models (ArchiCAD, AutoCAD Architecture, Autodesk Revit and – soon – Vectorworks) and then …

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Permanent link to this article: http://extranetevolution.com/2008/07/bim-and-housing/

Proto-building, to BIM is to build

I have just opened the latest AECbytes newsletter and read a fantastic article by US architect John Tobin. In Proto-building: to BIM is to build, he incorporates a lucid explanation of a famous Magritte painting, lots of talk about interoperability, and some memorable analogies, stretching from CAD on steroids (BIM 1.0) through The Big Bang …

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Permanent link to this article: http://extranetevolution.com/2008/05/proto-building-to-bim-is-to-build/

Share and share alike

Jerry Laiserin ‘s latest AEC Insight column at Cadalyst usefully segments the US market for online plan rooms and what he calls project collaboration networks (PCNs) – ie: construction collaboration technologies as they are described in the UK – as in NCCTP, for example. In Share and share alike (which, in passing, rightly describes the …

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Permanent link to this article: http://extranetevolution.com/2007/12/share-and-share/

Laiserin’s latest lucid column

My previous post (Integrated Project Delivery – US guide) talks repeatedly about Building Information Modelling (BIM). For readers interested in learning more about BIM as a process – as distinct from a set of technologies – I recommend Jerry Laiserin’s latest AEC Insight Column at Cadalyst (To BIMfinity and beyond!).

Permanent link to this article: http://extranetevolution.com/2007/11/laiserins-lates/

Laiserin looks at contract conflict

Jerry Laiserin is an American writer on AEC software who has written many thoughtful pieces relating to collaboration. I was therefore delighted when I read last month that he was to become a contributor to Cadalyst. I have just read his first contribution, AGC Dispute with AIA Represents Deeper Rift, and it confirms my view. …

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Permanent link to this article: http://extranetevolution.com/2007/10/laiserin-looks/