Trimble targets the low-cost mobile construction project management sector in the US with a simplified version of its Prolog SaaS applications. Trimble’s push into the SaaS construction collaboration space has gathered momentum with the launch of a low-cost mobile project management service, Trimble ProjectSight, for iPad users Like most services in this space, it comprises two …
Tag: Meridian
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Apr 30 2012
SketchUp acquisition extends Trimble’s BIM reach
Discussion about building information modelling software has tended to focus on designers’ needs, but the more I have thought about the announcement of Trimble’s acquisition of Google’s SketchUp last week, the more I see it as boosting its BIM capabilities from a contractor and a manufacturer or supplier’s point of view. For a start, Trimble’s existing strengths, …
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Apr 26 2012
Trimble acquires SketchUp from Google
My mind is still a bit boggled with today’s news that US-based IT giant Trimble is acquiring SketchUp from the search giant Google (normally, we hear lots of stories about the latter buying businesses – it’s less common for us to read about it disposing of technologies). This moves the simple-to-use modelling software to the …
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