Tag: Munich

think project! set to expand

Thomas Bachmaier

Munich, Germany-based think project! group grew revenues 20% in 2018 and regards itself as Europe’s market leader in the SaaS construction collaboration market. Thomas Bachmaier, founder and CEO of Munich, Germany-based SaaS construction technology provider think project!, believes the business is set to grow even more strongly. Speaking during the first day of the group’s …

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Permanent link to this article: http://extranetevolution.com/2019/02/tthink-project-set-to-expand/

think project! expands in France

Munich, Germany-based construction and engineering Software-as-a-Service provider think project!, has announced it is strengthening its operations in France to accelerate growth. think project! acquired France’s Lascom AEC, a provider of PLM (project and plant lifecycle management) in September 2015, and it was rebranded to think project! France. in June 2017. Clients of the Paris Vélizy-based business include Alstom, …

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Permanent link to this article: http://extranetevolution.com/2018/10/think-project-expands-in-france/

New CFOs for Kykloud and think project!

Ralf Gruesshaber, think project! MD and CTO

UK-based SaaS proptech startup Kykloud and Munich, Germany’s SaaS construction collaboration technology vendor think project! have both appointed new chief finance officers. Kycloud appoints Norden Based in North Shields near Newcastle, Kykloud, a SaaS business providing cloud-based software for surveyors (its client base features eight of the top ten global surveying firms) and property asset …

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Permanent link to this article: http://extranetevolution.com/2017/10/new-cfos-for-kykloud-and-think-project/

think project! raises French profile

think project! rebrands French subsidiary hoping to accelerate expansion in Europe. Lascom AEC, the Paris, France-based provider of PLM (project and plant lifecycle management) acquired by the Munich, Germany-based construction collaboration Software-as-a-Service technology provider think project! Group in September 2015 is being rebranded to think project! France. The move will strengthen the think project! brand and, the …

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Permanent link to this article: http://extranetevolution.com/2017/06/think-project-raises-french-profile/

think project! sales up 35% in 2016

Expansion in Europe helped Germany’s think project! grow its 2016 revenues by around 17%, and its CEO plans to accelerate international growth. think project!, the Munich, Germany-based provider of Software-as-a-Service collaboration and information management software to the construction and engineering industries, recorded a 35% increase in sales in the year to 31 December 2016. It …

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Permanent link to this article: http://extranetevolution.com/2017/05/think-project-sales-up-35-in-2016/

think project! attracts new investment

In January 2017, TA As­so­ci­ates, a lead­ing global growth pri­vate eq­uity firm, an­nounced it has com­pleted an in­vest­ment in Munich, Germany-based think project!, a provider of cross-en­ter­prise col­lab­o­ra­tion and in­for­ma­tion man­age­ment soft­ware to the con­struc­tion and en­gi­neer­ing in­dus­tries. Fi­nan­cial terms of the trans­ac­tion were (unfortunately) not dis­closed. J. Mor­gan Sei­gler, a man­ag­ing di­rec­tor at TA …

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Permanent link to this article: http://extranetevolution.com/2017/02/think-project-attracts-new-investment/

Think Project! strengthens European base

Think Project! CEO Thomas Bachmaier is optimistic about his business’s prospects in the increasingly competitive European SaaS construction collaboration technology market. The Munich, Germany-based company is now facing stronger competition in its core markets following the acquisition of key competitor Conject by the international market leader Aconex in March 2016, but has been busy expanding …

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Permanent link to this article: http://extranetevolution.com/2016/10/think-project-strengthens-european-base/

think project! thinking BIM

Sven-Eric Schapke

Delivering BIM in the browser is now part of think project!‘s technology roadmap and it is on track to start its first BIM project in early 2015. Late last year, I had a long conversation with two executives from Munich, Germany’s think project! about its plans to augment its existing Software-as-a-Service collaboration capabilities with building …

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Permanent link to this article: http://extranetevolution.com/2015/02/think-project-thinking-bim/

Think Project! gets webApp-y

Jochen Maurer

think pro­ject!, the Munich, Germany-based Software-as-a-Service construction collaboration technology provider has announced the release of a new ‘WebApp’ in­ter­face, optimised – using HTML5 – for smart­phones. According to the company, the new in­ter­face sup­ports fin­ger­tip nav­i­ga­tion by users on their smart­phones. For exam­ple, plan­ning, doc­u­men­ta­tion and de­fect man­age­ment processes can be ini­ti­ated, edited and tracked via …

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Permanent link to this article: http://extranetevolution.com/2015/02/think-project-gets-webapp-y/

Think Project! updates – and integrates

thinkproject-mobile version check

Munich-based SaaS construction collaboration vendor Think Project! has announced the forthcoming release of a new update to its web-based platform. The stand-out items for me are the integration features, underlining how sophisticated SaaS tools are increasingly being linked to other back-office enterprise systems, and not just by proprietary connections, to seamlessly share data between different …

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Permanent link to this article: http://extranetevolution.com/2014/05/think-project-updates-and-integrates/

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