Tag: PAS 1192-2

Nemetschek bim+ creates potential common data environment

bimplus logo

Nemetschek’s bim+ cloud-based service ticks many of the boxes required for a common data environment Munich, Germany-based software developer Nemetschek has launched bim+, an open, web-based BIM platform for architects, engineers, constructors and owners of real estate: bim+ allows building models to be directly imported into the bim+ cloud where they can be accessed and edited …

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Permanent link to this article: http://extranetevolution.com/2013/11/nemetschek-bim-creates-potential-common-data-environment/

Thinking about BIM, SaaS and the Common Data Environment

CDE conversation on Twitter

A lengthy Twitter conversation last night and this morning has got me thinking about the Common Data Environment (CDE), BIM and the role of the various Software-as-a-Service collaboration vendors that operate in the architecture, engineering and construction space. Common Data Environment As many readers may know, the UK government has mandated building information modelling for …

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Permanent link to this article: http://extranetevolution.com/2013/10/thinking-about-saas-and-the-common-data-environment/