UK Government is aiming to make open, standardised data drive an improved local plans system. Legislation will ensure data is delivered in consistent formats, and make some data publicly available and reusable. In June, I attended a Manchester conference, Digital First (previously Digitech) – the Crown Commercial Service’s annual technology showcase. My presence at the …
Tag: planning
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May 04 2010
COBie – the bridge between BIM and collaboration technologies?
My previous post, It’s been about collaboration all along, highlighted some emerging similarities between UK and US practices with regard to collaborative working – partly driven (at least in the USA) by the need to rethink industry approaches to management of people and processes as building information modelling (BIM) looms larger on the industry horizon. …
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Feb 03 2009
Let’s make construction more ‘social’
[This is a re-post of a blog article I wrote for Building Sustainable Design, which launched this week.] I have spent more than half my career in the architecture, engineering and construction (AEC) and property industry looking at issues relating to collaboration, and since 2000 have been focused on how to use internet-based technologies to …
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Sep 01 2008
Construction gets Twittering
On Friday afternoon, I got my first Tweets from UK trade magazines Construction News and New Civil Engineer, as two of the Emap Construct titles took their first steps into the Web 2.0 world of Twitter. Initially, @CNPlus went into overdrive repeating itself several times over but it’s now sorted out an RSS problem with …
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Jul 10 2008
BIM and housing
On Monday, I had an interesting meeting with Nick Clements of New Zealand-based software vendor Bisco, who plan to “revolutionise building by changing the way information flows through the building industry”. Bisco’s technology can extract information from various generic 3D CAD design models (ArchiCAD, AutoCAD Architecture, Autodesk Revit and – soon – Vectorworks) and then …
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