Clark Construction group, one of the largest general building and civil contractors in the United States, with revenues of over US$4bn per annum has been working with Scott Unger’s construction Platform-as-a-Service specialist Kahua (July 2015 post) on a major business process and workflow reengineering project (news release). Clark embarked on a study of its business processes with the …
Tag: Platform-as-a-Service
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Jul 13 2015
Kahua: pushing PaaS in construction
Platform-as-a-Service allows developers to create apps that can be employed on a core system. In construction, Asite’s doing it in the UK; Kahua is attracting investors in the US. The global construction market is huge, sprawling and, in many countries, immensely fragmented. Thousands of businesses start up and die every month, and even in a …
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Mar 03 2011
A role for resellers?
Some construction businesses already function effectively as value-added resellers of SaaS-based collaboration tools, filling a gap left open by traditional software VARs. I have discussed routes to market for SaaS construction collaboration vendors a few times – for example, last September, I contrasted Woobius’s aspirations to sell direct via the web with vendors who have …
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Aug 20 2010
Asite’s Appbuilder and Platform-as-a-Service
UK-based construction collaboration software developer Asite is looking to emulate Salesforce‘s Platform-as-a-Service (PaaS) offering by creating a platform to host construction-related applications built using its Appbuilder development framework. This is the latest development in the competitive world of construction collaboration technology, but is likely to be quickly emulated by Asite’s key rivals. Background Ten …
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