Nothing to do with computer gaming, GamePlan is a US start-up exploring both lean construction and BIM-based collaboration. In devising its product, US-based startup GamePlan (headquartered in Wilmington, Delaware) has consciously tried not to copy existing SaaS construction software providers’ approach to collaboration. While its core platform offers many of the same features, its philosophy has been strongly guided …
Tag: Qatar
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Sep 27 2013
Ahoy, Asite!
The next Asite-backed BuildLive collaborative BIM competition is to take place from Monday 28 October through to Wednesday 30 October 2013 (slightly earlier than notified in June). As in previous editions – BuildLondonLive (in 2008, 2009 and May 2012) and BuildQatarLive (November 2012) – the event is open to international teams of building information modelling practitioners to demonstrate their BIM …
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Sep 23 2013
4Projects trading update
A trading update from 4Projects says the Sunderland, UK-based SaaS construction collaboration technology provider (now part of Viewpoint Construction Solutions), has: “continued its strong business performance by posting double digit recurring revenue growth during the first half of 2013 and increased their enterprise customer count by meaningful double digit percentages as well. The 4Projects business …
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Jun 18 2013
Build Sydney Live 2013 – 29-31 October
Asite, following its organisation (and platform provision) for BuildLondonLive (2008, 2009 and 2012) and BuildQatarLive (2012) is now supporting BuildSydneyLive 2013 in October, another 48-hour Open BIM* event testing the online collaborative and interoperability capabilities of international design teams and their tools. After supporting three events in its home city, the London-HQed SaaS construction collaboration …
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Nov 20 2012
BuildQatarLive2012 update, and HOOPS
With a week to go until Build Qatar Live 2012 (see post), the latest collaborative openBIM event promoted by London, UK-based construction collaboration technology vendor Asite, ten teams from across the globe have signed up (so far) to test their building information modelling and collaboration capabilities against each other. Observers can also follow the competition and view the …
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Oct 16 2012
BuildQatarLive, OpenBIM and interoperability
Having run three previous editions of Build London Live (in 2008, 2009 and 2012), organisers Asite, AEC3 and buildingSMART are now planning another two-day virtual design competition, this time in Qatar, running from Tuesday 27 November 27th 2012 to finish at noon on Thursday 29 November. Once again, building information modelling practitioners from around the world are invited to demonstrate their …
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Nov 05 2009
Recession hits Aconex order book, it sheds staff, but still grows
Australia-based Software-as-a-Service construction collaboration technology vendor Aconex has just signed off its accounts for the year ending 30 June 2009, and they show another year of growth, albeit slower than in previous years (see Aconex reports…, 2008, and Aconex results hit by legal row, 2007). This is no surprise, of course. The global recession has …
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