TSB launches £7m competition to boost UK construction ICT

The UK’s Technology Strategy Board (TSB) is to invest up to £12 million through three new research and development competitions that will stimulate innovation and support growth across the UK, with the lion’s share (£7m) of the potential pot being devoted to a competition for high-value manufacturing and construction (see news release). As a business-led government …

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Permanent link to this article: http://extranetevolution.com/2011/05/tsb-launches-7m-competition-to-boost-uk-construction-ict/

Construction in year 2030

Last November, I wrote (post) about a SCRI report on the future of construction ICT, which put collaboration at its heart. That message has been reprised in a paper by Carl Abbott, Bilge Erdogan and Ghassan Aouad just published by the Royal Society: Construction in year 2030: developing an information technology vision. Section 4, A …

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Permanent link to this article: http://extranetevolution.com/2010/07/construction-in-year-2030/

An open letter to the new Chief Construction Adviser

[This is a re-post of an article from my pwcom blog, published 27 November 2009. Update (04 December): I added a post-script to the original post – read the response received back from Paul Morrell.] First mooted in July 2008, the appointment of the UK government’s first Chief Construction Advisor was finally announced this week. …

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Permanent link to this article: http://extranetevolution.com/2009/11/an-open-letter-to-the-new-chief-construction-adviser/

Collaboration at heart of future ICT, says SCRI

(This is a slightly amended version of a post from my pwcom2.0 blog.) This morning I discovered a SCRI Research Report, Future Generation of IT (PDF), published in June and reporting on discussions held at a ‘vision planning workshop’ hosted at Salford University back in January (2009). The aim of the event was to “identify …

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Permanent link to this article: http://extranetevolution.com/2009/11/collaboration-at-heart-of-future-ict-says-scri/