A new interoperability code of practice for technologies, developed in the UK by the GIIG, has been launched. As previewed in EE (13 April 2023), “Delivering Valuable Data: An Interoperability Code of Practice for Technologies in the Built and Managed Environment” was launched at the Institution of Civil Engineers in Westminster on 17 April 2023. …
Tag: security
Permanent link to this article: http://extranetevolution.com/2023/05/interoperability-code-of-practice-for-aeco-technologies-launched/
May 17 2017
Aconex: CEO Leigh Jasper interviewed (Pt 2)
In the second part of this now three-part Extranet Evolution interview with Aconex CEO Leigh Jasper (read part one), we talk about building information modelling, FM, mobile and other product development ideas. Collaborative BIM Conject’s merger with BIW was a prolonged process, with key developments in areas such as mobile technology and BIM delayed at …
Permanent link to this article: http://extranetevolution.com/2017/05/aconex-leigh-jasper-interview-pt-2/
Jul 28 2016
Secure SaaS without passwords, via Secure Cloudlink
UK-based startup Secure Cloudlink (headquartered in Leatherhead, Surrey) has a unique and US-patented product that eliminates the use of passwords and is designed to secure cloud / SaaS applications. With Secure Cloudlink, each user is uniquely identified and authenticated, but as no user credentials are stored or replicated behind the scenes the risks of security breaches due …
Permanent link to this article: http://extranetevolution.com/2016/07/secure-saas-without-passwords-via-secure-cloudlink/
Apr 22 2014
think project! achieves ISO27001 certification
As I have, over the years, noted ISO27001 certification achievements for Conject (February 2006), Cadweb (April 2007), Aconex (December 2011), and Kykloud (August 2013), among others, it seems only fair to mark a similar milestone for Munich, Germany-based SaaS construction collaboration technology provider think project!. It has just announced achievement of the information security certification, …
Permanent link to this article: http://extranetevolution.com/2014/04/think-project-achieves-iso27001-certification/
Permanent link to this article: http://extranetevolution.com/2011/03/virtual-worlds-and-the-built-environment/
Nov 05 2010
A first look at EADOC
I recently did a GoToMeeting session with Eric Law of EADOC to get a clearer understanding of this US-based Software-as-a-Service construction collaboration platform. The system is mainly aimed at construction project teams operating in north America, and has been around since early 2006 (I first wrote about the business in late 2007). It was developed, …
Permanent link to this article: http://extranetevolution.com/2010/11/a-first-look-at-eadoc/
Feb 22 2010
Woobius simplifies pricing of “simply simple” collaboration solution
Since I first came across UK-based low cost file-sharing and collaboration vendor Woobius in April last year, I have kept tabs on their development. [Disclosure: I have also undertaken occasional paid PR consultancy projects for the company.] Their latest news (see also blog post) concerns a simplified approach to the pricing of their core collaboration …
Permanent link to this article: http://extranetevolution.com/2010/02/woobius-simplifies-pricing-of-simply-simple-collaboration-solution/
Permanent link to this article: http://extranetevolution.com/2009/11/collabor8-online/
Aug 05 2009
From PLM and social media, to AEC design
I have been monitoring conversations about social media among some manufacturing and product lifecycle management (PLM) commentators, and a post by Desktop Engineering‘s Kenneth Wong – What PLM Can Learn from Social Media – has lingered in a browser tab for most of the past two days as I’ve re-read it and pondered it. Kenneth …
Permanent link to this article: http://extranetevolution.com/2009/08/from-plm-and-social-media-to-aec-design/
Feb 13 2009
Who needs Auto-PDF?
AECcafe.com has details of a new application that automatically converts online construction data such as RFIs and submittals to downloadable PDF files, “increasing convenience and enhancing security for architects, contractors, owners and developers” (or so claims US-based software vendor Construction Communicator). The news release says the PDF file format “is particularly valuable when traveling, when …
Permanent link to this article: http://extranetevolution.com/2009/02/who-needs-auto-pdf/
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Nov 24 2009
Collabor8 online
24 November 2009
This year I have written about several low-cost, even no-cost, collaboration solutions that might be used by businesses in the architectural, engineering and construction (AEC) industry (eg: Glasscubes, e-Grou, Incite Toolbox, ShowDocument, drop.io, Clouds UK, Woobius, Colaab). Even the deepest recession that most AEC professionals can remember has not deterred people from launching new solutions. …
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