Tag: technical standard

Evening, Standard?

Earlier this week, technical people representing several construction collaboration technology vendors (all members of the NCCTP) met at Constructing Excellence‘s offices in central London. The purpose of their meeting – as has just been described by Aconex‘s Rob Phillpot (see NCCTP: Flogging a dead standard?) – was to take the next steps towards creation of …

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Permanent link to this article: http://extranetevolution.com/2008/06/evening-standard/

Future of the NCCTP – update

Representatives of 4Projects, Aconex, BIW (me!), Business Collaborator, Causeway and Sarcophagus met today in the upstairs room of a pub (fittingly, perhaps, The Phoenix) in London’s Victoria to discuss the future of the NCCTP, the UK construction collaboration technology providers association. It was a lively session, due in no small part to the talents of facilitator …

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Permanent link to this article: http://extranetevolution.com/2008/05/future-of-the-1/