The BIM ‘Digital toolkit’ should help UK firms, including SaaS vendors, adopt and then export BIM skills, practices, procedures and standards and apply them in other markets. Just as sustainability saw an explosion in ‘greenwash’ – sometimes spurious claims about the ‘greenness’ of various products or services – so building information modelling has seen frequent …
Tag: Technology Strategy Board
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Jan 10 2013
4Projects involved in BRE-led Clouds4Coordination (C4C) project
A research project to coordinate construction in the cloud using building information modelling (BIM) includes Sunderland-based SaaS collaboration vendor 4Projects. The project is among 13 winners sharing in £5 million of grant funding from the Technology Strategy Board, reports Building4Change. The Clouds4Coordination (C4C) project, which is led by BRE, will demonstrate how a multi-vendor cloud computing system …
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May 09 2011
TSB launches £7m competition to boost UK construction ICT
The UK’s Technology Strategy Board (TSB) is to invest up to £12 million through three new research and development competitions that will stimulate innovation and support growth across the UK, with the lion’s share (£7m) of the potential pot being devoted to a competition for high-value manufacturing and construction (see news release). As a business-led government …
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Nov 23 2008
Design and decision tools
The UK Modern Built Environment Knowledge Transfer Network is seeking the opinions of members on design and decision tools for new buildings. Its questionnaire will help shape the Technology Strategy Board’s forthcoming call as part of its Low Impact Buildings Innovation Platform; information will be used to provide an insight into industry priorities in this …
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Jun 25 2008
BuildingSMART Conference, RIBA, London
0940am BST: This is the first of (hopefully) several updates from the BuildingSMART one-day conference at the RIBA in London (the main auditorium has wi-fi (hurray!), but few power connections (boo!), but by topping up the battery from time to time, I hope to get by). Only about 40 delegates in the room as the …
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