Tag: transport

Construction IT spend still very cost-conscious

Building-ConIT table

An article by Stephen Kennett, Construction is second worst investor in IT, in Building magazine (registration required) last week highlights that the UK construction sector is slowly improving its approach to information technologies, but the picture revealed by the NCC/Construct IT survey varies depending on what type of organisation you look at. Construction firms still …

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Permanent link to this article: http://extranetevolution.com/2010/05/construction-it-spend-still-very-cost-conscious/

Urban Circus

Having earlier today written briefly about the virtual world of Second Life (Daden post) and about two Australian companies (All Over Geo post; Tender.ly post), it somehow seems fitting to write about Urban Circus. This Brisbane, Australia company (it also has a UK outpost) proclaims itself to be at “the cutting edge of 3D Virtual …

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Permanent link to this article: http://extranetevolution.com/2010/04/urban-circus/

IT paying ‘lip service’ to sustainability

An article on Computer Business Review says UK companies are failing to use IT to reduce or improve their environmental sustainability, even though they believe that technology is key to tackling the problem. The article, UK companies paying lip service to green issues, is based on a Datamonitor survey, commissioned by BT Global Services UK, in …

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Permanent link to this article: http://extranetevolution.com/2008/01/it-paying-lip-s/