Over the past year, I’ve mused a couple of times about what it might cost to acquire a construction collaboration SaaS business (see Valuing a SaaS business, for example, and CTSpace sold for just £6.5m). SaaS businesses are under the spotlight this week at the SIIA OnDemand Europe conference in Amsterdam, where Phil Wainewright took …
Tag: valuations
Permanent link to this article: http://extranetevolution.com/2008/06/valuing-saas-businesses/
Mar 07 2008
CTSpace sold for just £6.5m
Further to Tuesday’s post about the former BuildOnline construction collaboration technology business, I have been piecing together more of the corporate changes leading up to Sword Group‘s acquisition of CTSpace. In the process, I have found a reference to the amount paid by Sword to acquire CTSpace in December 2007 – which, in view of the …
Permanent link to this article: http://extranetevolution.com/2008/03/ctspace-sold-fo/