Swansea-based mobile construction solutions developer Priority1 is working increasingly closely with SaaS vendor 4Projects. I spoke at Mobile Computing Solutions’ Priority1 user conference, held at BRE near Watford, last week, which was useful as my fellow speakers included Steve Spark of SaaS construction collaboration vendor 4Projects – and another Paul Wilkinson (quality manager at Carillion)! It was clear …
Tag: Windows Mobile
Permanent link to this article: http://extranetevolution.com/2013/12/mcs-priority1-working-with-4projects/
Dec 01 2010
BuildItLive.com targets iPad collaborators
Over the past year or so, I’ve talked several times about iPhone applications and collaboration in the architecture, engineering and construction, AEC, space. I have seen prototype stand-alone products developed purely for the iPhone (eg: Smartbuilder – post), but most tools have been developed by existing construction collaboration technology providers and extend their platforms to …
Permanent link to this article: http://extranetevolution.com/2010/12/builditlivecom-targets-ipad-collaborators/
May 18 2010
Asite’s Spring release
UK-based construction collaboration technology vendor Asite has released an updated version of its platform. The Spring ’10 release went ‘live’ during the evening of Friday 14 May 2010, meaning all Asite users subsequently had access to new functionality (see PDF), including: Asite’s new cMOB interface (see previous post), including mobile-enabled versions of Asite Site Manager …
Permanent link to this article: http://extranetevolution.com/2010/05/asites-spring-release/
Apr 19 2010
Asite mobile solution launching soon
Asite‘s Paul Markovits has been blogging about the UK-based construction collaboration technology vendor’s forthcoming mobile solution, Asite cMob. A launch of this looks likely in the next couple of weeks, it seems. This has been on the cards for several months, following a consultation process managed through the Asite community forum late last summer …
Permanent link to this article: http://extranetevolution.com/2010/04/asite-mobile-solution-launching-soon/
Sep 14 2009
Keeping an Eye on Woobius
I wrote about the low-cost simple collaboration application Woobius earlier this year (first here, then here), and they’ve remained on my radar ever since, partly because of their participation in one of this year’s Be2camp events (in Liverpool in May*), and partly because they subsequently approached me to undertake a couple of small PR projects …
Permanent link to this article: http://extranetevolution.com/2009/09/keeping-an-eye-on-woobius/