Aconex CEO Leigh Jasper was in the UK recently, and talked to Extranet Evolution. This first instalment of a two three-part interview discusses outcomes of the Conject acquisition and the development of the Connected Cost application. The day after an Aconex investor presentation in Melbourne was a good time to get an update on the Australian …
Tag: Woking
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Oct 31 2016
Conject UK grew 12% in 2015
Following the parent group’s March 2016 acquisition by Aconex, I overlooked the July 2016 publication of Conject UK‘s financial results for the year ending 31 December 2015. These show the Woking, Surrey-based business grew revenues by 12% from 2014‘s £5.696m to £6.385m (c US$9.48m or €8.71m at 2015 rates), and also increased profitability, returning a …
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Dec 01 2010
Two recent UK vendor news releases
Asite, SaaS North America and ReproMAX sign Strategic Relationship A 30 November 2010 release from Asite, says US-based reprographics firm ReproMAX has signed a “major contract” with Asite’s distributor in North America (SaaS North America) to supply and host its “web-based collaborative Software as a Service (cSaaS)”. Let’s just dissect the announcement a little bit…. …
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Jan 11 2010
“BIW on the back foot?”
Nathan Doughty yesterday interrupted a long silence on his Free Collaboration blog to post some details of the latest filings to the UK’s Companies House by [my former employer*] BIW Technologies. In BIW on the back foot?, he references this blog and makes a few statements that I would like to comment upon…. I was …
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Jan 11 2010
BIW – Battered in Woking
I see (thanks to a post by Nathan Doughty – to which I will respond in a separate post) that the latest annual reports and accounts have been filed at Companies House by Woking, Surrey-based BIW Technologies Ltd [my former employer*] and its newly-formed parent company, BIW Technologies Group Ltd. Both underline what I have …
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Jul 03 2008
A bit of a Web 2.0 day
I spent a fair chunk of yesterday looking at and talking about various Web 2.0 applications, mash-ups and events. It was all started by reading an article on the BBC website, Government launches data mash-up. This led me to look at, an officially-sanctioned project from that allows UK residents to report vandalism, abandoned …
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Apr 13 2007
ex-Graphisoft execs establish Vico
As previously mentioned, the BIW office in Woking is in a building which also houses software business Graphisoft – no, make that “housed”. Graphisoft… some of the firm’s executives have now set up a new business, Vico Software, having acquired the Graphisoft Virtual Construction product line following the December 2006 acquisition of Graphisoft by Nemetschek. Now, 21-25 …
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