I have been a member of the UK change organisation Constructing Excellence‘s Collaborative Working Champions for some years. My interest in this area started in the 1990s when I worked in what was then Tarmac (now Carillion) Professional Services and my line manager was Shonagh Hay. She was a member of the Reading Construction Forum …
Tag: WorldCAD Access
Permanent link to this article: http://extranetevolution.com/2010/04/its-been-about-collaboration-all-along/
Oct 02 2009
SaaS as a software protection strategy
Reading WorldCAD Access and The CAD Industry blogs this morning, I learned about the latest developments in a court case brought by Autodesk to stop an eBay trader, Tim Vernor, from selling second-hand CAD software. Ignoring the complex issues relating to copyright, it occurred to me that other software vendors are already side-stepping such issues …
Permanent link to this article: http://extranetevolution.com/2009/10/saas-as-a-software-protection-strategy/
May 26 2009
Constructware conundrum continues
The recent flurry of claims and rebuttals about the future of Constructware (see Constructware’s future questioned) has not convinced everybody that Autodesk remains committed to developing its Software-as-a-Service construction collaboration application Constructware. The atmosphere of uncertainty is also not helped by last week’s news (and here) that Autodesk is to lay off a further 430 …
Permanent link to this article: http://extranetevolution.com/2009/05/constructware-conundrum-continues/
Mar 02 2009
Autodesk hit by recession
In Is the Recession hurting AEC IT? last month, I said I would keep an eye on the financial results of some of the key players in the AEC market. Last week, Autodesk announced its results for the last quarter of 2008: revenues down 18% from the previous year (spread across every operating region; EMEA …
Permanent link to this article: http://extranetevolution.com/2009/03/autodesk-hit-by-recession/
Feb 25 2009
Cadalyst saved
Some good news from the publishing world. Further to last week’s post, Testing times for AEC IT magazines, I read in WorldCAD Access and CAD Insider that Cadalyst is now going to be published by a company called Longitude Media, run by Questex’s former Vice-President of Digital Media and General Manager, Design & Engineering Group, …
Permanent link to this article: http://extranetevolution.com/2009/02/cadalyst-saved/
Nov 04 2008
Recession and the construction SaaS providers
The R-word has arrived. In his Brickonomics blog, my good friend Brian Green today talks, not for the first time, about “the recession in construction”, which he says “is looking increasingly desperate as the giant commercial sector appears to be heading for a nasty fall”. Earlier this year, like many industry people, I was hopeful …
Permanent link to this article: http://extranetevolution.com/2008/11/recession-and-the-construction-saas-providers/
Jul 09 2008
Bentley and Autodesk target interoperability
A couple of months ago, a PR slip suggested a joint Bentley/Autodesk announcement was imminent. Well, it was announced late yesterday that the two AEC software giants have agreed to expand interoperability between their solutions portfolios: “Autodesk and Bentley will exchange software libraries, including Autodesk RealDWG, to improve the ability to read and write the …
Permanent link to this article: http://extranetevolution.com/2008/07/bentley-and-autodesk-target-interoperability/