Tag: Yuval Attias

Should we be teaching document control or collaboration?

Aconex is delivering document control training, but the technology aspect of collaboration is only occasionally covered. As a PR and marketing professional in the construction IT sector, I keep my eyes open for new ways in which businesses are promoting themselves or their products or services. A good example landed in my email inbox recently, …

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Permanent link to this article: http://extranetevolution.com/2010/12/teaching-document-control-or-collaboration/

Live from ICT4Construction conference, London

The ICT4Construction conference (post), being held today in London, has attracted representatives from several companies regularly covered in this blog. 4Projects is a sponsor (and Clare Watson is due to speak); Sword CTSpace is the opening speaker, followed by MPS, and Union Square will also be talking; and I am sitting behind Yuval Attias and …

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Permanent link to this article: http://extranetevolution.com/2010/10/live-from-ict4construction-conference-london/