EC Harris stays with Citadon

Citadon has announced that EC Harris has signed a new contract to use Citadon Collaboration Workspace (CW) to drive collaboration on up to 50 new construction projects throughout Europe, the Middle East and Asia.

It’s not a major development. The deal continues a relationship between the businesses dating back to 2000 when EC Harris was one of the investors in the ill-fated UK Bidcom Ltd joint venture (with fellow UK construction firms Carillion and Wates, plus KPMG). Bidcom Ltd was acquired by Citadon – itself the result of a 2000 merger between US-based Bidcom Inc and Cephren – in 2002 (Bidcom’s old ProjectNet solution is still marketed in the UK, through e-box – see recent post).

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  1. […] in Europe – it’s last UK announcement concerned a deal with EC Harris in October 2005 (EC Harris stays with Citadon), but it does have significant traction in north America (22 December 2006 update: the Insight […]

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