Contract Journal’s regular feature on well-known construction groups this week features Hochtief Construction. The usual question on project collaboration elicits the following response from UK business development director Mike Robertson:
“For projects, we use one of three tools: Business Collaborator or Asite or, on our Glendoe site [£130m Scottish tunnel-boring project], we have Eplass. Some clients have open data rooms and we’re getting used to using them.
At Christmas, we’ll be unveiling an Oracle collaboration tool. It will be a bespoke in-house system running across Hochtief throughout Europe.”
Eplass is relatively unknown in the UK. Taking its name from an abbreviation of Electronic Plan Management System, the system was developed in the late 1990s by German engineering firm SEIB Ingenieur-Consult, and is now managed by an IT-focused SEIB subsidiary. Usually delivered as an ASP (application service provider) solution, it incorporates a third party viewer, Imagenation from Spicer. Judging from the references on its website, Hochtief is one of Eplass’s main customers.
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[…] ← What’s going on within Hochtief Data security – SaaS: the sooner the better! […]
[…] business (an arbitrary figure chosen because I notice Hochtief has 140 UK people – see previous post), and Vondle’s calculator returned the following annual subscription […]