In the past year, Docia has established a UK foothold independent of its MPS partner, and is now pushing its own BIM capabilities.
Just over two years ago (27 May 2011), Copenhagen, Denmark-based SaaS collaboration technology vendor Docia first featured in Extranet Evolution following its tie-up with UK contract change management provider MPS Process to provide supporting document collaboration technology.
Since then, Docia has been expanding internationally (opening operations in India and South Africa, for example), and improving its product portfolio (adding an Android app in January 2012, followed by an iPhone app six month later – news release – both then incorporating a real-time mark-up tool, Scribble*). During 2012, Docia also established its own UK office, in South Shields in north-east England.
Docia Ltd MD Arron Adam joined the company from north-eastern rival 4Projects, while commercial director Michael Smith was another early recruit (his previous experience includes time at 4Projects plus BIW Technologies [now Conject], and Sword CTSpace [now McLaren]).
The company is now pushing into the building information modelling arena with a product named Docia BIM2Share. According to Arron:
Our BIM2Share solution offers a range of ground breaking functionality. BIM2Share offers a whole new interface that breaks down the barriers between the design team model and the project extranet. A new automated workflow eliminates the time-consuming process of issuing views and drawings from the model-server to the project’s extranet. Furthermore you can drag and drop information directly to rooms or objects such as O&M manuals, progress reports and installation pictures. Overall, this makes working with BIM models and BIM collaboration much more effective and adds value for everyone involved.
We have already been involved with our first projects using BIM2Share and currently one of Europe’s largest hospital projects are using this solution.
MPS and Robin Wilkin, for a long time the face of MPS at numerous NEC3 seminars and conferences, parted company a year ago. He is now a commercial manager at Jacobs.
(* The ‘Scribble’ branding evokes memories of Woobius, whose now discontinued blog was entitled Woobius Scribbles, while the Docia app is reminiscent of Woobius Eye – post.)
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